Meet Bosta’s All-Inclusive Dashboard

One place to access all your orders and financial aspects with full visibility and control.

All Your Shipping Needs

Easy requesting process

Set your order’s type, package size, last-mile destination and take more actions like returning, exchanging, and refunding exclusively all through our dashboard.


Multiple order creation

Say goodbye to the wasted time creating orders one by one and upload all your orders with one click through your dashboard.


Flexible pickups

We can pick up your orders from multiple pickup locations on the same day. You can also schedule regular pickups daily, weekly, or monthly.


Team management

Grant the right access permissions to each member. Manage who can access your wallet, bank details, integrations, and more through your delivery dashboard.


Languages support

Feel comfortable using your dashboard in the language you prefer, and this can be set differently for each team member.


Easy ticketing support

Issue your ticket to suggest, ask, or complain and wait for our customer support team to fix your problem and respond on time.


Visibility with full control

Actionable order tracking

It’s not enough to track your orders’ status. Bosta helps you take immediate actions, like allowing opening packages, and more.


Insightful reporting

Have an overview of your business performance in terms of coverage, deliveries, returns, damages, success rate, delivery promises, and collected Cash on Delivery (COD).

Insightful reporting

Wallet management

Always know where your money is right now. Daily track your Cash On Delivery (COD) cycles, get receipts for every transfer, and cash out through bank transfers or immediately through Fawry.
